“Deep Brasil” is a musical project by the
legendary ethno-ambient electronic band “Deep
Forest” which was released in 2008. Yet another magical fusion of ethnical
twists with the beats of Brazilian beats. Eric Mouquet’s beautiful composition is flavored
by the voice of Flavio Dell’Isola.
The project sends a
strong and vibrant message about deforestation, extinction of species and the
stake of indigenous people. The music “Africa
Brasil ” demonstrates the rich influence of African music and the cultural
coincidences in the Brazilian community. This music will trigger the listeners to
move their feet on the rhythm of the Afro-Brazilian beat. The music showers
praises on the beauty of Brazil, its large lush green tropical rainforests,
large deposits of fresh water, animals and plants living in diversity, cuisine
and energy of people. The “Deep Brasil”
offers large dollops of mixed emotions, bliss and love, embarking a new level of co-existence
between humans and nature.
I was deeply moved
by the excellent fusion of the ethnic rhythms and Portuguese language, the birds
chirping, wild drum beats and extracts of samba. It meant a lot for me,
who had experienced a bit of Brazil, its uniqueness, as the country is
galloping to be the economic powerhouse and appetite for major countries and
how these musical projects establish and awaken the masses. I trundled along the
music to the corridors of Amazonia, pushed my day fishing and off course danced
on the beats. I recommend the audience to grab a copy, also a strong campaign for
Amazonia and a promoter for Brazilian tourism.
Deep Forest, known for their mixing of ethnic sounds and music, originally
from France and have won many awards globally like in 1995 Grammy Award.
Ceu Do Brasil
Céu do Araguaia
Da Serra Dourada
Da Cidade de Goiás
Do Rio das Almas
Da Serra Pelada
Céu de Minas Gerais
Da terra sagrada
Três Marias , três irmãs
Nuvens naves , lua cheia
Cadentes avelãs
Céu tão lindo nas manhãs
Céu brilhante incendeia
Matas e cunhatãs
Céu do Brasil
Céu de abril
Céu do Brasil
De brigadeiro
Céu do Brasil
Mais que azul
Celeste , turquesa , anil
Cruzeiro do Sul.
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