Upcoming yoga, meditation and music events organized by Yogapelapaz.
Ibirapuera 2011 | 21/08/2011 | FREE
Lawn near the Ibirapuera Auditorium, Avenida Pedro Alvares Cabral, s / n º - Gate 2
Open to the public, registration is not required
The international band of Prem is a living example of the effervescent Indian music scene and today stands as one of the best bands in world music in his country.
11am to 11:40 am - Yoga Class
Simple practice to vitalize the body and calm the mind.
11:45 am to 12 pm - Opening with Marcia De Luca and Fran Abreu
12am to 12:30 pm - Collective Meditation
Activity that inspired the birth of the event, in which the crowd of participants, led by Marcia De Luca, meditate with peace intentions. The beneficial effects of this activity are proven by quantum physics and decrease violence in the city.
12h30 to 14h - Music Performance with Krishna Das
Krishna Das is one of the great names of international kirtan music - music from the Hindu tradition characterized by melodic repetition of mantras. The charisma and talent Krisha Das - who is adept in Bhakti Yoga or Yoga of Devotion - are proven by the success of his CDs and performances in concert halls and Yoga centers around the world.
Yoga for Peace | 22/08 – 24/08
From 22 to August 24, 2011 Yoga for Peace, in partnership with the Flow Yoga Ciymam , will present a workshop to deepen with the world's most renowned teachers.
Rua. Dina, 100 - Vila Nova Conceicao, SP
14h to 17h - The Healing Power of Women, with Maya Tiwari Mother Maya teaches this workshop lunar practices for women of all ages, part of the ancient science of Ayurveda. The course teaches how to care for the health of the reproductive system, return the natural cycles in accordance with the lunar rhythm and restore the beauty of women. For all levels of practitioners. (Read more about Mother Maya http://yogapelapaz.blogspot.com/2011/05/viver-em-ahimsa-lei-da-nao-violencia.html )
19h to 21h - Class Kirtan with Krishna Das Singer mantras recognized worldwide, Krishna Das will share experiences from their path of evolution and teach us to chant mantras to enjoy its healing power. For all levels of practitioners.
Investment: 3 Full Days - R $ 576.00
1 full day - $ 216.00
Class Loose - $ 80.00
Registration: tel: (11) 3168-5096 | email: andrea@marciadeluca.com. br
http://www.yogapelapaz.com.br/agenda/saopaulo.htmlOther free yoga events.
Free Yoga and Meditation Classes
19/08/2011 | @ Cia Atllética
Rua Kansas, 1.582 – Brooklin Paulista – SP.
Yoga, Meditation and music
20/08/2011 | SESC Ipiranga
Rua Bom Pastor, 822 – Ipiranga – SP
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